
2020 | 6 Steps to create a Neon Glowing Effect in PicsArt


By using “Image  Blend Modes” in image editing applications such as PicsArt or Photoshop. We can merge the two images together in such a way that we can actually manipulate how the light would pass through a particular layer. Since we will be working with PicsArt and not Photoshop. Hence we will learn how we can create a neon glowing effect in PicsArt by using image blend modes. It's similar to what is most commonly found on TVs and other forms of media. One fine example would be a “lightsaber”.


We don't need much of a preparation to make our images glow. Anyways, below is a list of a few needs for this tutorial.

  1. App : PicsArt Photo Studio
  2. Image : Adidas Shoe


Follow the steps mentioned below to create a neon glowing effect in PicsArt.

Step 1 : Open PicsArt Draw along with your image.

PicsArt Glow Effect Step 1

So for this tutorial, we will be using the image above which is of a man wearing an Adidas shoe with strips. We will be creating the glow on his (the image's) shoe strips. We will try to simulate as if there's an LED lighting on the shoes which is making it glow.

Step 2 : Brush with “White” on the strips.

PicsArt Glow Effect Step 2

By default, PicsArt creates a blank empty layer above the original image. That's good since we will anyways have to create a new empty layer.

On that empty layer, tap on the brush tool, select any soft brush, choose a white colour and brush over the strips all around. Make sure to choose the brightest white colour since the white colour is the key in making the image glow.

Step 3 : Create a new empty layer.

PicsArt Glow Effect Step 3

Now go to the layer menu and create a new empty layer. In this new layer, we will mask the whole area which we had earlier highlighted with white colour.

Step 4 : Mask the highlighted area.

PicsArt Glow Effect Step 4

Go to brushes and select the first brush from the list and go to brush settings to lower the hardness according to our needs. Lowering the hardness will result in a spray like Effect.

Now select any colour of your choice. For example: Red or Bright Blue. And brush all over the highlighted area. Make sure to complete this step with precision.

Step 5 : Blend the layer to “Screen”.

PicsArt Glow Effect Step 5

On the topmost layer (the mask layer), go to blend modes and select “Screen”. The screen mode will make the layer transparent so that the light may pass through. In return, the white colour under the masked layer pops out and we get to enjoy a neon glow.

Step 6 : Save your “Neon Glow” image.

PicsArt Glow Effect

Since we've completed creating a glow effect in PicsArt. All we left do is save our image.


There we go. The project seemed to be a bit confusing at the beginning but it was quite an easy at the end. With that said, I hope you now know how to create a neon glowing effect in PicsArt. If you have any questions regarding this tutorial. Do leave a comment down below and I'll be more than happy to further assist you.
