
2020 | How To Use The Eraser Tool in PicsArt | Tutorial


The Eraser Tool in PicsArt helps us to get rid of all the mistakes we make while image editing. The special feature of the PicsArt Eraser Tool is that we can really adjust the brush according to our needs. We can adjust the size, opacity, scatter, Jitter, angle etc. In this tutorial, we will not only learn how to use the eraser tool, but we'll also discuss about each options mentioned above.


Not much is required for one to get started with the eraser tool. But here is a few list of needs;

  1. App : PicsArt Photo Studio
  2. Image : Tulip


In order to use the PicsArt Eraser Tool, follow the instructions provided below;

Step 1 : Open the Eraser Tool.

PicsArt Eraser Tool Step 1

On the PicsArt Draw, tap on the “eraser tool” (the brush changes to an eraser). Tap again to reveal the secrets of the eraser tool.

Step 2 : Select a Brush.

PicsArt Eraser Tool Step 2

Go ahead and select any brush of your choice. You get the option to choose between soft, hard, shapes etc types of brushes.

Step 3 : Open eraser brush settings.

PicsArt Eraser Tool Step 3

Tap on the settings menu (adjustments panel opens). You can now adjust many more settings apart from just the size and the opacity of the eraser brush.

Step 4 : Adjust your eraser brush.

PicsArt Eraser Tool Step 4

If you are not sure what the settings doesz below is a brief description of each of the options offered by PicsArt.

(1.) Hardness : The hardness option defines the edges of the Brush.

(2.) Spacing : The spacing option defines the space between two lines or shapes of the eraser brush.

(3.) Scatter : The scatter option will enable you to randomly spread the designs or the shapes of the eraser brush.

(4.) Size Jitter : The size jitter can be used to increase or decrease the size of the jittered brush in irregular shapes.

(5.) Angle : The angle option defines the direction or the angle of the eraser brush itself. You can adjust the angle right from 0° to all the way upto 359°. Making it almost 360°.

(6.) Angle Jitter : You can also adjust the angle of the jittered shapes of the eraser brush. You can adjust the angle from 0° to 180°.

(7.) Squish : The squish option can also be used to adjust the angle or the direction of the eraser brush.

(8.) Hue Jitter : The hue jitter option enables you to adjust the hue of the jittered brush particles.

While adjusting all of the settings above. You might also get additional options such as “vary thickness” & “opacity”. You can also enable or disable the zoomability and the auto orient of the eraser brush. After adjusting your brush, do make sure to save your settings by tapping on “set”.

Step 5 : Start Erasing!

PicsArt Eraser Tool Step 5

You can now start erasing your images in PicsArt. Not only erasing, you could also make complex selections by using the eraser tool.


Indeed it was a long tutorial. But I do hope you’ve now learnt how to use the PicsArt Eraser Tool. If you have any questions regarding this tutorial, do take a moment to write down a comment below. And I'll be more than happy to answer your questions.
